Nightingale : Thanksgiving Orders!
Beloved Readers,
A very fine day to you all! Here is some information about our Thanksgiving orders, replete with photographs to make the read more attention-grabbing and memorable.
Thanksgiving pies, special breads, and rolls are now available for pre-order on our website. As I write, I’m browning butter for the pumpkin pies, counting out on my fingers if 480 pounds of organic colorado apples is going to be enough for the deluge of apple pie orders, and making sure we’ve got enough chai to give out in the line on the eve of the Great Day of Thanks itself. Why not join the fun and order up a nice addition to your holiday table?
(The order form will close at the end of Saturday, Nov. 23. All orders are for pickup Wednesday, Nov. 27, i.e. Thanksgiving Eve. Order sooner than later if you know you want something as numbers are capped. Further details on the order page.)
The week of Thanksgiving we’ll be open two days only: Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday we’ll have pretty standard bread and pastry, all for retail sale as usual. And plenty of baguettes. Wednesday, however, is geared towards the Thanksgiving order pickups, and the usual retail availability, while by no means forgotten, will likely be more limited. So if you know you want something on Wednesday, order it ahead of time! (No baguettes Wednesday.)
We’ll forego hoagies the week of Thanksgiving, so this coming week is a good time to get one if you want one. Or two. Speaking of which, have you tried the new Thanksgiving-inspired hoagie, lovingly christened the Catch me if you Cran? Smoked turkey, pancetta, gruyere, cranberry-orange chutney, ginger-rosemary sweet potato spread, and a holiday greens salad? I know it sounds maybe over the top, but I assure you it is truly great—nay, even a contender for the Nightingale Hoagie Hall of Fame. Additionally, next week we’ll feature a new vegetarian hoagie whose surprising star ingredients I will keep under wraps for the moment, but for which I look forward to with sincere anticipation.
Finally, I ought to warn you about the upcoming Christmas recess since some of you, against all good sense and apparent reason, are already planning your schedules well into the next year. We will close from Christmas day through the first few weeks of January, reopening Wednesday, January 20. We do this every year and it allows for staff to properly celebrate a holiday, visit family, read through the Complete Calvin and Hobbes box set, write letters of petition to Procter & Gamble requesting that the revolting new scent they have foisted upon our beloved Dawn dish soap be reconsidered and returned to its former glory, and generally contemplating the Sublime, as manifest in the James Webb telescope’s new images of the Crab Nebula. Me, I’ll probably be sipping a Oaxacan Old Fashioned on the Disney Very Merrytime cruise in the western Caribbean, as is my wont.
I wish you all a joyous holiday season. Thanks for your loyal patronage these now eight years.
yours truly,
david the baker